What is Prosthodontics?

Prosthodontics is the dental specialty that deals with the restoration and replacement of damaged or missing teeth. A prosthodontic dental professional is called a prosthodontist. In order to obtain a certificate to practice prosthodontics a dentist must complete three additional years of advanced education beyond (4 years of) dental school. During these three additional years a prosthodontic resident studies to become the engineer of the oral cavity. Like any very technical field there is more to know than anyone could imagine. It may not be obvious but the human mouth is a very complex system. The simple process of speech, chewing and swallowing takes a well orchestrated effort. This process is taken for granted until there is a disruption in the system. Dental work is a disruption in the system. A prosthodontist is the only dentist formally educated in the complete system. A prosthodontist is well versed in replacing missing teeth by using crowns, bridges, implants, extractions, partial and full dentures.When considering dental work it is wise to educate oneself before choosing a dental professional. 

How is a prosthodontist different from other dentists and dental specialists?

The term “prostho” means replacement and “dontist” means dealing with teeth. Essentially, prosthodontists are THE recognized experts when anything needs to be replaced in your mouth. This can range from a single tooth, multiple teeth, or all teeth and gums in the mouth. While many other dentists can do some of these treatments, prosthodontists are the specialists dedicated to this type of care.

Prosthodontists have advanced training in restoring and replacing teeth. Prosthodontists are considered the leaders of the dental treatment plan. They regularly lead teams of general dentists, specialists, and other health professionals to develop solutions for your dental needs.

Why choose a prosthodontist?

Choose a prosthodontist because of their advanced education and training, efficiency, and expertise with advanced technology. Prosthodontists are extensively trained in state-of-the-art techniques and procedures for treating complex dental conditions and restoring optimum function and esthetics.

Rigorous training and experience give prosthodontists a special understanding of the dynamics of a smile and the preservation of a healthy mouth.

A prosthodontist is the only dentist who receives additional ADA-accredited training for the following commonly provided dental treatments:

  • Dental Implants- A titanium threaded post is implanted into the jawbone during a minor surgical procedure. Once healing occurs, this post fuses to and preserves the jawbone by not allowing the bone resorption that naturally occurs after tooth loss. In addition, dental implants allow for support of a dental prosthesis. Dental implants are usually the best option to replace a single tooth (implant-supported crown) or multiple teeth (implant-supported dentures) on the average healthy patient. 
  • Crowns- Often referred to as caps, replace the entire surface of a tooth above the gum line. Crowns can be made from all ceramic/porcelain, porcelain fused to metal, or full metal (gold). Crowns are bonded or cemented onto a prepared tooth. It is the most common treatment after a root canal or to address extensive tooth decay. 
  • Veneers- Custom-made thin shells of tooth-colored porcelain, ceramic, or composite resin that are bonded over the visible part of the tooth. Veneers are used to resurface single or multiple teeth for esthetic or cosmetic improvement. 
  • Bridges- A dental bridge allows replacement of missing teeth without the use of dental implants or a removable partial denture. However, the teeth adjacent to the missing tooth or teeth, must be prepared for a crown in order to provide support for a bridge. 
  • Dentures- Complete dentures replace all teeth and removable partial dentures replace some teeth. Dentures are created to match the patient’s unique smile and bite. Dentures improve the individual’s facial appearance and also improves chewing efficiency and speech. 


Rigorous training and experience give prosthodontists a special understanding of the dynamics of a smile and the preservation of a healthy mouth. Our goal is to create a beautiful healthy smile that restores their patients’ confidence.